Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Quick and Easy Project

I love these types of dresses. So when I found a pattern for it I was in heaven. They are perfect when you want to just throw something on and still look cute. The dress is easy enough to make. All it is cut the fabric, sew a seem and add a hem. How hard can that be!

I plan on making 2. I got the fabric at a sale JoAnn's fabric had not too long ago.

The pattern has pockets on it but I'm not adding it. Even though in the picture the pockets blend perfectly into the dress I'm not really feeling how they look. Right now I've cut the pattern out of the black and pink fabric. I just need to size it and hem it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank for the the information. I really want to try my hand at sewing this winter. Wish me luck! I'll need it. haha

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